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All pictures are taken by myself, what you see is what you get, make money selling bags, you need to be professional, you need factory cooperation, you have technology, you know the market, you know the quality, you know the cost, you know how to attract traffic, and you can solve customers Confused, compared to many profitable micro-businesses, I am not good at attracting traffic, so I have to do it well and work hard to make money.
All pictures are taken by myself, what you see is what you get, make money selling bags, you need to be professional, you need factory cooperation, you have technology, you know the market, you know the quality, you know the cost, you know how to attract traffic, and you can solve customers Confused, compared to many profitable micro-businesses, I am not good at attracting traffic, so I have to do it well and work hard to make money.
Brands: Hermes, Hermes Birkin
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Exactly the same, perfect size, suitable to e
Shipping took a while but that’s not the seller’s fault. The hermes bags is beautiful, I’m very happy with my order, I recommend it, it’s just as in the picture
I like the product very much, it arrived earlier than expected. The color is exactly what I ordered. Quality-correct price. Recommended
I liked the hermes bags ! Beautiful, quality goods. Thank you!
Very happy! The package arrived earlier than expected (two weeks),The color is very similar to that of the photo
Great product!! Arrived very quickly, and well packed!
Excellent product, very well done,
Parcel Arrived quickly for 16 days! Product quality to the price.
I really liked