Hermes Birkin Bags Handbags AAA Class Replica Elephant Grey White Silver Hardware
$144.00 $209.00
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Our quality is counter quality, the original leather is all handmade, I even think it is more exquisite than the counter, some customers will ask, can your bags pass the inspection? First of all: We do not allow agents to sell products as genuine. This is deceptive behavior. Our quality is at the appraisal level. There is no pressure when entering and exiting the counter. This does not mean that you can go to a second-hand store for inspection. Second-hand store appraisals are done using various tools. If there is a difference of 0.01, the package seller will even be tested, but we are trying our best to achieve 99.99 consistency. Do you understand the significance of our efforts now? We are working hard to make a bag that satisfies us.
Our quality is counter quality, the original leather is all handmade, I even think it is more exquisite than the counter, some customers will ask, can your bags pass the inspection? First of all: We do not allow agents to sell products as genuine. This is deceptive behavior. Our quality is at the appraisal level. There is no pressure when entering and exiting the counter. This does not mean that you can go to a second-hand store for inspection. Second-hand store appraisals are done using various tools. If there is a difference of 0.01, the package seller will even be tested, but we are trying our best to achieve 99.99 consistency. Do you understand the significance of our efforts now? We are working hard to make a bag that satisfies us.
Brands: Hermes, Hermes Birkin
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very good item , beautiful thank you ❤❤❤
Thanks a lot good product
I got it, everything corresponds to the description.
Very Good Product Thanx For Seller.
Very nice – just what I expected, and at a fair price. Thank you.
Good, nice hermes bags , went a long time. Quality is good