Hermes Birkin Bags Handbags White Silver Hardware
$102.00 $128.00
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The original leather is all handmade. Some customers will ask if our leather is the right version. We only use leather suppliers designated by Hermès. Some customers will ask if the grain is the same as that at the counter. I I think the grains will be more uniform and fuller than those at the counters, because our cutting standards are higher than those at the counters. The counters are not very particular about the grains, because they think they are the original grains of leather, which are unique and the thickness is normal. Our standards are higher and we pay more attention to symmetry, and our customers’ requirements for us pay more attention to beauty and standards. In fact, the counters will be more casual and respect the objectivity of handwork and the uniqueness of leather.
The original leather is all handmade. Some customers will ask if our leather is the right version. We only use leather suppliers designated by Hermès. Some customers will ask if the grain is the same as that at the counter. I I think the grains will be more uniform and fuller than those at the counters, because our cutting standards are higher than those at the counters. The counters are not very particular about the grains, because they think they are the original grains of leather, which are unique and the thickness is normal. Our standards are higher and we pay more attention to symmetry, and our customers’ requirements for us pay more attention to beauty and standards. In fact, the counters will be more casual and respect the objectivity of handwork and the uniqueness of leather.
Brands: Hermes, Hermes Birkin
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Top product. I have already placed an order and this is my second order and I recommend it!
I order the second time. Super, thank you!
It comes nicely packaged, I like it very much, it’s worth the price. Highly recommended.
Perfect. It’s exactly as description and in the photos.
Product quality and fast shipping. great price