Hermes Kelly Handbags Crossbody & Shoulder Bags Brown Coffee Color Silver Hardware

Hermes Kelly Handbags Crossbody & Shoulder Bags Brown Coffee Color Silver Hardware

$99.00 $148.00
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Kelly 28 golden brown togo leather silver buckle
For top luxury goods, our understanding is first of all the top quality materials, and then the craftsmanship. We understand our products, so we do not care about the cost in the whole process, and we must be good at the materials. Yes, for expensive products, we are only glad that we can buy good ones, because sometimes no one sells them. It is not something you can buy if you have money. For workers, we will give higher wages than those of our peers because our requirements are more stringent. We choose quality before price. This is what we have persisted in making bags for so many years. It is also the reason why our products are all handmade and original leather cannot be cheap. Regarding customers’ doubts about the price, it is true that there are many cheaper ones on the market, but it is just everyone’s positioning. Just different.

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