Replica Hermes Bags Handbags MT250250
$127.00 $157.00
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🔍Model: MT25
Coding: MT250250
Material: TC leather
Size: 25*18*8cm
Description: Halzan handbag is a new bag released by Hermès in 2014. The design details are based on horse gear. , from the stirrup-shaped handle to the buckle in the middle, there is a shadow of the saddle shape, without deliberately emphasizing the nobility of the brand, it looks low-key and full of texture.
Coding: MT250250
Material: TC leather
Size: 25*18*8cm
Description: Halzan handbag is a new bag released by Hermès in 2014. The design details are based on horse gear. , from the stirrup-shaped handle to the buckle in the middle, there is a shadow of the saddle shape, without deliberately emphasizing the nobility of the brand, it looks low-key and full of texture.
Brands: Hermes
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